Breaking down Swift Playgrounds 4.6

Apple has released the long-awaited Swift Playgrounds 4.6 update, or as it’s now known, Swift Playground! The release notes read as follows: This update includes a new document browser to easily create a new playground or find a recent one, and provides bug fixes and improved stability. Let’s see what’s new! iOS 18 Support! Despite the description, the update does include support for targeting SDKs up to iOS 18.1. Interface changes The update also includes the new document browser demoed in June last year which is a big win for organising projects!...

January 31, 2025 · 2 min

My iPad coding wishlist for 2025

The story so far Last year, I developed and released Medlied from my iPad using Swift Playgrounds. I cut out the Mac from my workflow completely, enjoyed live on-device previews that update in seconds, and I even got the privilege of doing a talk on my experience using Swift Playgrounds at Leeds Mobile! Unfortunately, this setup still has some holes which I ran into with my next project. First, Swift Playgrounds support for iOS 18 has failed to materialise....

January 30, 2025 · 3 min

App development on iPad

In the last year, I’ve gone all-in on building apps using an iPad. I’ve never met another Playgrounds developer, and a lot of the community are surprised this is even possible! This post should clear up what is and isn’t possible when it comes to app development on iPad, and I hope to encourage others to give this a try too! I use my iPad hooked up to a keyboard, mouse, and monitor for most serious work, with both screens set to More Space....

October 12, 2024 · 8 min

Fixing macOS windowing

In my previous post I discussed how I prefer a few aspects of iPadOS over macOS. In this post, I’ll be discussing how to fix the big one - macOS’s window positioning. The problem The fundamental means of positioning windows in macOS has never really received a rethink since the inception of windowing in the early days of the OS. It’s designed for screens with big pixels, and as pixels have gotten smaller it’s become increasingly fiddly to keep windows from being an untidy mess....

November 3, 2023 · 5 min

iPadOS is better than macOS (for normal people)

I have opinions. 🐣 I tend to prefer working on iPadOS to macOS. There’s not any one thing, but a combination of things which just make it feel more comfortable to work with… It’s fair to say macOS has features which iPadOS is lacking, but the reverse is also true! Windowing There’s no weird distinction between maximised and fullscreen windows. (And let’s not get into how some apps don’t maximise, but “zoom”) We don’t work all the time, and iPadOS defaults every app to be fullscreen by default when Stage Manager is disabled....

October 31, 2023 · 4 min

Welcome to my blog!

A mutating and functional blog for whatever is on my mind. Expect Swift and iPad topics published from my iPad!

October 16, 2023 · 1 min